Day Seven

Online Questionnaire, Worksheet, and Quizzes

We were asked to create a quiz to assess their students learning outcomes this morning. We use different tools to do this, such as polleverywhere, wenjuanxing, and testmoz. I think they are all very easy to use. Their interfaces are very clear and clear. Polleverywhere and testmoz are in English, but wenjuanxing is in Chinese. Wenjuanxing has more functions than another two tools. It can publish quiz, survey, vote and it can record the exam time. And when we create our vote or survey, we can add images and change the typeface. It can make our quiz more colorful. Polleverywhere and testmoz can only add words.

There are mary funtions on the wenjuanxing, I use to create the vote. I can add questions and options on it. And I can choose the type of the questions, such as single choice, multiple choice and gap filling. What’s more, we can let the options be random. It makes the result more real and exclude the effect of the order of options. Besides, I can add images and video in the vote. After people finish the vote, wenjuanxing can show us the number of the votes and vote percentage. It is very clear for creaters to know the result.

When I teach a class, I can integrate these tools into classroom teaching. Before the class, I can create a vote or survey and let my students to finish it. So I can know how much they have known about the new knoeledge. I can make my teaching plan more effective according to the result. After class, I can create the quiz and let them finish it online. After their finishing, the software can show me the result of the quiz in detail. I can see who make the mistake on the certain question. It can help me to know the total and private learning situation.

These projects help you meet ISTE standard: model digital age work and learning. Teachers use technology tools to create quiz, survey and quiz online. And then teachers collaborate with stdents and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation. And it is very esay for teachers to collect and know the result of the quiz or vote in detail. It can support research and learning.

Here is My Rubric

Here is My quiz

Here is My 问卷星
